桂盟鏈條於1977年在台灣台南縣創立,開始從事專業自行車鏈條的生產,80年代的自行車產業在台灣蓬勃發展,當時鏈條市場群雄並起競爭激烈,但桂盟集團在眾多鏈條製造商中脫穎而出,從1986年起開始與日商.島野公司(SHIMANO)簽訂技術合作備忘錄,開始為其生產一系列的鏈條;此一合作夥伴關係一直持續至今未曾間斷。在從桂盟集團創立到與SHIMANO開始合作,短短十年間,桂盟鏈條便已經躍升為全球最大的鏈條製造供應商。目前桂盟集團鏈條年產量超過150,000,000米,透過桂盟集團的經銷網路以十餘國語言行銷至全球各地130餘國。台南市 Ever since then, the company has been devoted to the production of professional bicycle chains. In the 1980's, the bicycle industry was developing vigorously, and competition was surfacing on the chain market. Nonetheless, KMC Group stood out a mo ng all the chain manufacturers. In 1986, KMC Group started a partnership with the Japanese supplier, Shimano Inc, signed the technical cooperation me mo randum, and began supplying the needed series of chains. This partnership has lasted continuously to date. Within the short 10 years between the establishment of the KMC Group and start of partnership with Shimano Inc.,

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